Big Bang vs 2NE1

Ok. post ala-ala eat you kimchi written edition... well, currently addicted to 2NE1-Lonely (Japanese Version) where they filming it still with snow, but much better i guess, even i like the korean version more for song, but for music video, i prefer japanese version more. Oh, may be because i already get used with the korean version. ok, fine... done there...

Big Bang - Love Song
2NE1 - Lonely
there is nothing, the main point is only : i like the complement. big bang on fire background, while 2ne1 with cold background. yups, usually person when the feel alone they tend to shiver, don't you? Because they seriously feel alone, no body to turn too. [2NE1 bias!] when they hurt, they feel really angry and annoyed. sad of course for both.

p.s :: peeps... you'll never walk alone. remember, ALLAH mendengar segala rintihan hati kita. DIA mendengar segala doa kita, bila dimakbulkan DIA meningkatkan iman kita (kindly, sebenarnya menguji kita sama ada kita bersyukur atau tidak) bila dilambatkan doa itu untuk termakbul, bukankah DIA mengajar kita supaya bersabar.

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