jom balik mengundi

supaya orang yang mengundi ,bukan hantu yang mengundi. dan sebenarnya saya belum mendaftar lagi.

pada suatu ketika di dalam kelas:

A: u sokong which colour?
I : tahun ni saya belum mendaftar lagilah, baru ingat masa exam hari tu.
A: oh... u orang siapa yang dah daftar?
I : orang itu dan ini. oh yang itu pun dah daftar. u nak pangkah yang mana?
A: i have my faith on green.
I : oh. nice choice. kenapa? bukan selalunya rocket ka?
A: i used to be blue. tapi this time this particular calon sangat menarik and ada aura.
I : calon yang kawasan ituka?
A: oh! u know?! u punya muka macam orang yang tak peduli pun ada juga.
I : woah! that smashing! hahaha... saya tau macam tu ja la... baca. baliklah mengundi?
A: balik lah... penting, tanggungjawab memilih pemimpin... sekurang-kurangnya saya dah buat sesuatu
I : bagitau orang tu, dorang cakap tak nak balik mengundi.


Point saya bukan siapa yang bakal dipangkah, tapi kesedaran dia untuk memilih pemimpin. Bila fikir balik, dia cakap benda tu dengan saya juga. 

Dia gula-gulakan saya? Mungkin, sebab dia orang yang sama cakap "Dosa aurat perempuan kalau tidak jatuh dirambut, jatuh di lengan. Kalau lengan dan rambut bertutup, dosa tu jatuh ke kaki."

ps : i think it not my dad. it is me myself. sorry people. change please

jadilah penulis skrip

Sarcasm intended.

Tiga, mungkin empat tahun yang lepas, saya layan cerita The Grateful Death: Corpse Bride... Victor and Emily, dan rasa macam kenapa la ending dia macam tu. Bittersweet. Selepas tu, 5cm per seconds dan Children Who Chase the Lost Voices karya Makoto Shinkai. Same feeling - intriguing, selepas tu janji tidak lagi lah konon mau tengok cerita macam tu, tapi helpless... 

Lepas tu again, dalam bulan lepas mungkin saya tumpang sekaki dengan akak-akak ni tengok Mama. I am not really a movie person, but like other, I enjoy the moment of getting together, scream, laugh and cry for ridiculous thing and pretending that you are actually yawning instead of crying.  But the only this came to struck, "What had we thought is poor ending, may actually the happy ending for that particular act." Erkk... Where did I get that again? 

Realitinya; yang mati tidak akan hidup semula di atas bumi ni. Full Metal Alchemist punya cerita, they thought that magic or whatever algorithm they hope can revive their mum soul, cost his brother body and his arm. Ok, saya tidak layan Full Metal Alchemist and so, I might be wrong about the story line.

Masa tengok Mama tu, (dua kali tengok sebab tidak puas hati) kenapa dia bawa Lily tu, Lily is grow fonder to her sister, you heartless mama! And Lily... How could you? Lily who is always, always stand behind and protected by her sister choose the ghost mama instead of her sister... Then, if Lily choose to stay alive, what could she do? She sleep under her sister bed, she eat butterfly?moths? and barely can speaks... She might been tortured during her childhood, the neighbor will point her poor crazy little lad and the teenager life will be harder... (suka hati saya ja cakap macam tu, but it is. Oh jauhnya fikir supaya dapat terima ending macam tu.) 

Kita judge satu cerita tu, berdasarkan perkembangan watak dalam cerita tu. Kita tidak nampak perkembangan watak dengan watak yang lain. Kalau ada, maknanya cerita itu akan jadi lifetime. Itu sebabnya ada hero dan heroin, perkembangan cerita antara dorang, dan bila jadi macam Victor tu tetap kahwin dengan Victoria, we are thinking, oh my what happen to Emily? Victoria didn't play piano, didn't have a zing about it... Oh my, you know?! Mestilah tau... Emily wish is getting married, and Victor give that to her, so now she can RIP. Or, did you agree for Victor loss all the wealthy and air he had to made Emily have a husband and not solely a marriage? I think I will said later, come on, how stupid this story could be, are you promoting suicide?! (tiba-tiba) 

I quote "If the Bollywood made a sad ending stories, the theater will be burn." That bad? Wow, is that even true? No offence. 

ps: im busy. this post is drafted since last week...

saya merupakan...

Orang yang dilahirkan pada bulan MEI; Yang Berbahagia Dato' Dr Fadzilah Kamsah didalam kajiannya, saya ini;-

Keras hati & tegas.
Maksud keras hati?

Kuat semangat & bermotivasi tinggi.
Sangat pesimistik juga

Pemikiran yang tajam.
Diasah... Usaha. I believe on it.

Mudah marah apabila tidak dikawal.
I am waiting the moment I burst out and see how it going... Suka pula ko kena provoke... Nda~~~

Pandai menarik hati & perhatian orang lain.
I am seriously bad in conversation - naturally introvert?
I am rude.

Tidak perlu dimotivasikan.
I need it, seriously. I always turn to my family because I trust them, I believe 'Kunfayakuun'
"Kita tidak pernah terfikir, sebenarnya kita sendiri merupakan bukti kekuasaan ALLAH. Kita tidak pernah nampak disebalik kita juga sudah penuh pengajaran, cerita yang luar biasa." -Balqini
And I learnt a lot from the motivator, friends, environment...

Tetap pendirian, tetapi mudah dipengaruhi oleh orang lain.
Saya lebih kepada lalang, berakar, tidak neutral. Kadang-kadang saya buat konklusi hanya untuk menyedapkan hati, saya rasa berdiri sendiri bukan senang, tidak mudah, gugup dan menakutkan.

Mudah dipujuk.
Buy me diamond(s)... And please don't. Keep silent and I'll be fine - I used to silent treatment; it warning, it companionable silent .

Bersikap sistematik (otak kiri).
Entah la...

Suka berangan.
Oh mai! Sangat suka, baca separuh jalan dan harap boleh jawab exam esoknya.

Kuat daya firasat memahami apa yang terlintas di hati orang lain tanpa diberitahu.

Bahagian telinga & leher mudah diserang penyakit.
Sangat, change the water temperature and it all itchy.

Daya khayalan yang tinggi.
Imagination is free isn't?

Permikiran yang tajam.

Pandai berdebat.

Fizikal yang baik.
I will say yes instead of the marginally overweight in BMI calculation.

Kelemahan sistem pernafasan.
My roommate said I grind my teeth and only sometimes snoring. And I am good in cardiovascular activity.

Suka sastera, seni & muzik serta melancong.
I read phi, Murukami, Outback Baby, Nurhayati Berahim, Hlovate, Hilal Arsyad and so and so...
I listen to Talib Al-Habib, K-Pop and so and so...
I adore pastels, oil but never admiring Picasso.

Tidak berapa suka duduk di rumah.
When I don't have penny to spend, I can stay in house weeks... and almost dying for boring

Tidak boleh duduk diam.
I barely sit more than 30 minutes except in lecture hall and writing coding.

Tidak punya ramai anak.
Hahaha... Is four enough dear? Oh my~

Rajin dan bersemangat tinggi.
Erk?? Rajin? I can be last person to get out from the bed

Agak boros
My, my... These is freaking true!

ps : "kita boleh main, huhahuha, tapi awak kena hormat saya tau..." Dr EM

Yana's engagement day


We were at Shah Alam, when I said we, it all of us; Farah, Nadia, Arin, Am, Azer, Ika, Has, and me to attend Yana's engagement - "tujuan kami datang adalah untuk merisik dan kalau mendapat persetujuan (short silence) terus bertunang" - wakil belah lelaki. 

There is another plan planned, but never mind, I am already contented at the night after at I-City. I hate when there is a lot and a lot of photo... I hate editing, collaging it, it consumes time. And I just can’t stop digging on it, oh poor dear. I need to stack the report, study the master formula and write the code, but all these stuff get my priority, I am forever preempted. 

30.03.2013 - Yana

whoop up @ icity
I think that the photo is self-explanatory. I just scramble the pictures; drags whatever catches my eyes and create the cottage. Later...

ps : UniMAP ada buat kursus kahwin 13 dan 14 April ni. Student UniMAP yang berminat bolehlah cari orang yang berkenaan...


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