please don't notice

since when i write a text that never sent? 
- 5cm per seconds.

so it will never reach your inbox.
duduk diam-diam. jauh-jauh. stop playing with fire.

'i don't really need you, but will i ever see someone like you?' tweaked lyrics, N-Dubz - I need you

ps : langsung tiada kaitan dengan rasa hati. tapi saya boleh tipu. dan kamu confirm akan percaya benda macam ini. tidak perlu, saya sedang jatuh cinta dengan dia. huh? 

Day 6 – Handwrite your favorite song/ song quote

N-Dubz rule... consider some of their song.

don't denied yourself. you are much better trying.

ps : but I rather recommend you Insya-Allah by Maher Zain.

Day 4 – Handwrite your best friends name

the person who catch me on my worst, after my parents.

"Yang kita harap dari manusia cuma dua - nasihat dan doanya. Itulah dua hadiah yang akan mengeratkan ukhwah kerana ALLAH. Bertemu tidak jemu, berpisah tidak gelisah... Kerana ada doa dan nasihat yang mengikat hati ketika jauh dan dekat."

ps : a friend is a treasure. it not simply a relationship, it is a PROMISE. You, you are the person I deeply care.

Day 3 – Handwrite your favorite quote

i've a lot of favourite quotes. a journal, just i don't treat it like diary

18022012 - 1415

18022012 - 1430

penenang hati. 2011: fixing my broken heart

ps: =| thinking about writing that related to exam result.

Day 2: Handwrite your BlogSpot name alongside your real name

attribute to Arif

yey... Syaidahtul Badriyah Aziz.

ps : I mind what I speak, horrifically, I don't usually speak what in my mind. Should I turn it vice versa?

Day 1: What do you think of your handwriting?

i can do font isn't ? hahaha

ps : admiring my own handwriting as i can't write like others! hehehe...haih... not funny...

15 days handwriting challenge

from Tumblr, but i changed the Day 2 challenge into BlogSpot
Nah, it school's already. But I guess this won't bothered me much. ❤ (。◕‿◕。) ❤ I'll start now!
Aih, sampai bila entah semangat...

p/s : Tumblr is fun. Should I have one?

heartbreak makes a person more mature, doesn't it?

Heartbreak is an emotional defeat, the overwhelming sorrow, grief, or disappointment, especially because of love, and love isn't just the feeling nurtured between your companion and you,  it's universal, a tender feeling towards any person or thing.

When these emotional pain brings you to your knees, put your chin up. Well, easier said than done, but that it, God doesn't help you by providing life without any obstacle. 

"I had gone through the web, looking for help. But it all are plain text, I am, myself need to move on." It's good to see lot had gotten over it, because it is depend on oneself, not another. Even how hard the society, your loved one, or your friend tried to motivate you, without any effort from you, you just start pitying yourself, how pathetic is that?

A mental breakdown may even lead to suicide, the worst case scenario - part of it happens indeed. There are cases where they abandon the one they used to love, just as part of the price to reconcile back their own self. I once found it stupid, annoying and heartless. I thought they were that weak until they are not able to take care their life, even I didn't know the episode of their life that evoked a tearful reaction. The impression I did just make they look the worst, which turn out I am the one who heartless.

What happens after all the hard work, pail of tears to stand up again?

I know, it's not easy to bounce back from heartbroken, it's NOT easy. Kelly Clarkson, Stronger's lyrics, "what doesn't kill you makes you a fighter, foot step even lighter..." If, you are those who don't hold grudges, those who learn to embrace what they had faced. 

You will learn how to trust others, not only blindly trusting of them, well may be improve your poor social life. You learnt how to motivate yourself quickly, it's because you learnt the art of letting go, let go the person you loved. You forgive those who leave you behind. Isn't they said, the best teacher is Mr. Experience?

The heartbroken experiences are just another way to teach you how to be patient. Surprisingly, you will become stronger than you imagine, you found out another realistic view of life. You'll appreciate more those people who still stand by your side.    

This, after all, doesn't happen to all of us. Some people, hold the pain in their chest without even aware about it, and causing them to hate others more. It's just, the times we think about our past, there is a story we loved, we hate now and love the episode that we hated. Heartbreak makes a person more mature, doesn't it? Then, it may be for the best!

there is an emotion that made me reconsider the situations of the people that I see every day

cuti #15 : anime came to life

otaku? it not something you can be proud as it not a compliment. A girl that is hopelessly obsess with an anime, manga or game, how can I call this as healthy? Ok...stop... 

First, welcome back to UniMAP!

Kelmarin, selepas check-in di kiosk Air Asia, selepas drop baggage *yang mengada-ngada bah mau kasi masuk dalam cargo padahal 6kg ja.* kena belanja dengan aunty Eyen and Linda p makan d Grace Park, the Secret Garden of the City. Then, singgah p satu kedai cake ni, 'Kaoru cake house' style bah depan dia. Menarik betul! Bila sampai depan kedai tu, ambil kau, chalk menu board dia show something yang sangat menarik.

Siapa baca Kaoru's cake house, mesti perasan, the characters with broad shoulders, likeable characters, super cute smile, tall, kurus tapi tidak melidi... T_T shut up! =_=" Well, in short... sexy men with glasses. Pergh! Nasib baik, berpijak dibumi yang nyata, kalau jadi macam time baca comic ketawa satu orang. Confirm orang gila eh. 

Entahlah apa yang buat saya excited gila, merapu meraban di dalam blog macam ni, just nampak orang yang exactly macam dalam comic. Hmmm... IDK... 

with black-short hair and black apron....

cuti #14 : dekat di hati

Di sini kita be'ngam'. Eya, disinilah kita kasi ngam balik tu hubungan yang termeterai sebaik jadi pelajar SEMEKAR. Saya Alumni SEMEKAR, Iena said, saya juga. Biarpun tidak habis SPM disekolah ini, tapi I move forward with the knowledge I gather from this school. 

Perfect untuk pengurusan. Minta maaf sangat untuk aktiviti. Silap kami di bahagian aktiviti, terutamanya saya. Macam dia cakap, pengurusan terbaik, tapi aktiviti paling worst. Tidak apa, saya ambil sebagai pengajaran. Thanks kepada semua orang yang back-up. Macam yang ahli kumpulan saya cakap, ya, saya akan berubah! Janganlah kamu jadi macam saya yang masuk telinga kanan, keluar telinga kiri.

"Kita ada kawan. Kawan kita ramai. Dan kita tahu tanggungjawab kita untuk membawa kawan kita kepada kebaikan."

Mawi ft Akhil Hayy : HambaMu

Owh ho..
Owh ho..

Ke arah satu perjalanan
Dalam sebuah kehidupan
Demi untuk mengecapi
Hasrat murni di dalam hati

Usaha dengan doa itu
Masanya akan tiba
Dengan restu Illahi
Kelak pasti akan ditemui

Suluhkan cahaya hati di terang
Tunjukkan jalan
Seandainnya hilang
Tegakkan perjalanan
Yang bakal ditempuh

Tegakkan semangat bila runtuh,
Setibanya disisimu ku berserah,
Terimalah aku
Hamba mu Allah

Hambamu Allah…..

Sekiranya takdir menguji
Cekalkan hasrat dihati
Semoga kesusahan bisa
Mengajar erti terus azam

Usaha dengan doa itu
Masanya akan tiba
Dengan restu Illahi
Kelak pasti akan ditemui

Suluhkan cahaya hati di terang
Tunjukkan jalan
Seandainnya hilang
Tegakkan perjalanan
Yang bakal ditempuh

Tegakkan semangat bila runtuh
Setibanya disisimu ku berserah
Terimalah aku
Hamba mu Allah

p.s :: hari terakhir program Di Sini Kita Ber'ngam' a.k.a 'Sehari Bersama Sehayat Terasa' di SEMEKAR, sangat-sangat suka bila adik-adik junior nyanyi lagu-lagu ni ramai-ramai.

i hate myself the most

sorry... what a pity... 
I did realize how much upset I caused.
I hate when I can't even prove to myself that I am wrong!
what a troubling thought.

I fixed the situation.
the atmosphere will never be the same.

gambatte ne! 


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